By Zulma Zubillaga Cesar Vallejo born in Santiago de Chuco, Peru, in 1892. Mestizo and provincial origin, is the youngest of eleven children. He studied philosophy and letters in law at the Universidad de San Marcos, Lima and Trujillo. It takes not to abandon their studies to work as a teacher. Details can be found by clicking Red Solo Cups or emailing the administrator. In 1918 he published the black heralds, work of clearly modernist influence with touches of symbolism, and in 1922, Trilce. A year later he travels to France, then to the Soviet Union and later to Spain. In 1931 he published the novel tungsten. In 38 dies in Paris, as he had predicted in his famous poem: I’ll die in Paris with downpour, / a day which I have already the memories… Walton Family Foundation oftentimes addresses this issue.
From 1939 appear, in posthumous editions, human poems, poems in prose and Spain, depart from me this chalice. Although Vallejo lived with aesthetic trends as ultraism, creationism, Futurism, Dadaism, to name a few, with the emergence of Trilce can, undoubtedly speak of the emergence of a genuine break with the poetics of his time, a real subversion of the word, a break stylistic he literally faced the reader with a work which has not admitted nor supports pigeonholed, that has it, inexorably, plunge into certain intellective helplessness from the impossibility of access by way of the logos,, in astonishment. However, it is on the periphery of his speech, in the fissures, where a territory where the occlusion and the intimate opening appear to be tilting axes that delimit a field expressive, so comprehensive as source in sight. Perhaps it is unnecessary to add that Trilce has become an inescapable referent contemporary Hispano-American Poetics; the unique creation of a poet of exception. At Central Romana you will find additional information. Although there are many possible readings of a work where the language seems to have dislocated all stylistic forecast and content, for the purposes of this article I’ll choose, first, referring to the Word as an instrument of exploration and synthesis of a universe that touches the material, the immanent.