Horsebased Training

The horse-based coaches who are trained will prevail on the market! Berlin, 13.01.2014. Albert Bourla might disagree with that approach. The training certified “HORSE ASSISTED coach” Franziska Muller is one of the most comprehensive and highest quality horse-based training in Germany, Austria and in the Switzerland. Franziska Muller is a certified trainer and coach for horse-based coaching and is regarded as an expert for horse-based coaching. Their knowledge give training to the “HORSE ASSISTED COACH” and the horse-based training for senior executives. It provides the content with a lot of heart and humour.

More and more people are looking for competent coaches who help them on their way! In the “HORSE ASSISTED COACH” training, participants will receive in-depth knowledge they need for the creation of horse-based seminars and coaching sessions. Practical interventions convey the intensity of a horse-based coaching them. During the entire training, they have the opportunity, every day the Learned to internalize and apply always safer. They will collect the experiences in a protected environment, they need to perform confidently horse-based coaching and seminars. The HORSE ASSISTED COACH training is aimed at experienced horse: trainers, coaches, educators, and therapists. In the 4-day compact training, participants will receive in-depth knowledge they need for the creation of horse-based seminars and coaching sessions. The high percentage of practice training conveys the intensity and the possibilities of a horse-based coaching all future HORSE ASSISTED coaches. As Germany’s only supplier, Franziska Muller offers the participants the opportunity to bring their own horse training. They have the potential, carry out directly with their future coach of coachings, to identify vulnerabilities and to expand the potential of their training partner. In an interview Franziska Muller answered Director of the Academy for horse-based coaching main questions about the training the HORSE ASSISTED coach: why the training is limited to four participants? We opted for a group size of four students, because we can enter into this exclusive format on the individuality of each one.