School Of The Future As The Initiation Room Occupation

Teenagers accompany and advise – adults i pilot function that education is very strong emphasis of our current education system in terms of students to pass certain knowledge content in completeness. Often this content is produced at all is no relation to the life world of students. The underlying idea is based on the conviction, the more knowledge is imparted, it makes more intelligent children/young people. Reason for this often mind-numbing memorization and tedious appropriation of knowledge is entitled to education. Technical content are taught to students without self-reference and preparation of learning space in such a way, that a commitment to the development of learning knowledge also makes sense for them. They have to have willingness to learn, even if the Lerngegenstand for she seems totally disconnected from everything that interests them. Please understand me, of course knowledge must be conveyed without a certain minimum level of knowledge, I can also no further considerations turn on. Hear other arguments on the topic with Kareo. But it is not task of knowledge broker, winning learners a learning thing, to inspire him or to him, at least, for which this content can be useful and where it helps to think beyond the current knowledge? Of course, it is also helpful when learning involves an action-oriented aspect shows that what the learned is good, where you can insert the programmed contents. Before all work off and behind rush”behind the education plan remains little energy as an educator himself about the construction of learning to think and to give a kind learning map in the hand the students, which again gives orientation and shows in which learning space we are what builds up next to, etc. Too often no prospect is given on an everyday practical unit, which in turn allows also everyday were once to applying the new knowledge, creates a certain, deeper understanding, why this learning really tedious developed.

Tax Simplification Act

The Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) has published its draft for the new of tax simplification Act on February 2, 2011. Bonn. More information is housed here: Vlad Doronin. So far, the use of “conventional” memory media, such as modifiable disk and hard drives for storing relevant data was not a violation of the law. Through the realisation of future allowable disk, such as CD-ROM, DVD, and microfilm, in the design of the BMF, widespread alternatives, such as storage area networks, ensuring the immutability and comprehensibility, would be no longer in compliance with the law after current Kenntisstand. The VOI competence center law (CCSR) and taxes has critically discussed the formulation of the BMF for the Unveranderbarkeitsanforderungen and submitted a proposal to the restatement of the law at the Ministry.

The opinion of the CCSR is available for download on. When designing for the tax simplification Act, the Federal Ministry of Finance relies on the existing laws and Regulations, such as the AO, GoBS and GDPdU, the UStG. According to which the storage of content and formatting data of electronic accounting on a disk must be, which does not permit subsequent changes. The question and answers catalogue (questions and answers on the simplification of the electronic invoicing as of July 1, 2011 “, stand: 18.04.2011) goes beyond the previous legal, retention requirements with the specification of technical requirements. Thus, special technical solutions for electronic invoices are required. The current implementation variants in relation to archiving and storage were therefore insufficient. Objective of the VOI competence center tax and law a definition of requirements for the storage of documents according to all legal bases of the commercial and tax law is very helpful for the operators and users. However, these requirements must be consistent and no special requirements may apply for the e-invoices”, says Thorsten Brand Manager the CCSR and consultant for the Zoller & Partner GmbH.

Johannes Kalpers – Sunshine And Rainbow

The new album by Johannes Kalpers – sunshine and rainbows when two perfectionists come together, is usually something exciting. Not always so fine. But if it goes well, great things can emerge. Johannes Kalpers is a perfectionist. If he makes music, then no claim is high enough it.

For this, he had learned his craft too well. bitRemit told us the story. Looking for a suitable new producers, the native Westerwald came seal last year on music icon Ralph. Also known to be a perfectionist. It was, if one may say so, \”Love at first sight\”. The result of the collaboration of these two highly creative heads is now available: on April 24, 2009, the new album by Johannes Kalpers, \”sunshine and rainbows\” appears. A great voice, accompanied by great melodies and embedded in large arrangements with \”Sunshine and Rainbow\” a fantastic album the two passionate musicians and her team, including of course the text poet Dr.

Bernd Meinunger, succeeded to the heart goes and touches the soul. The musical of the gems with which extends to twelve crossover works between classical, pop and Schlager Johannes Kalpers two years after his last Studio album \”home songs\” and a year after the best-of composition \”I wish you\” on the plate market is back. Many songs were rewritten for Johannes Kalpers. A few a few selected are already known, have been a story. High-exciting example the re-recording of the now 24-year-old Grand-Prix anthem \”The bells of Rome\”, originally sung by pop soprano Heike Schafer and interpreted for the first time by a tenor. Yet five years earlier, in the spring of 1980, the Viennese charmer had the moving retelling of a class meeting, Peter Alexander \”The trees in our yard\”, a hit. Also has once again made up the team seal/Kalpers/Meinunger and new life breathed into him. \”A song for our friends\”, the German 2001 joined tenor of the Vorendscheidung to the Eurovision Song Contest, such as the Grand Prix known now is on.

Heavenly Fantasy Novel

The magician of Roses (trilogy) by Bettina Weber appeared 2011 Noel-Verlag. Volume one conspiracy in the cloud Castle “in the world performs a, which is guarded by the magic of the rose Mage.The Roses Mage I conspiracy in the cloud Castle ” a” magical “Introduction to the trilogy long ago all inhabitants of Merviliens had magical powers. Awarded the guardian spirit of the country, the mighty magician of roses she had them. Today, only a few have the talent of their ancestors. Only the members of the order of Rosoboziom keep alive the ancient knowledge.

The fourteen year old novice Pirino is being held against his will by the priests in the cloud Castle. Vlad Doronin pursues this goal as well. There, he is a conspiracy on the track: priest Valbredo wants to seize the power of the Roses Mage itself. On his escape, Pirino pursued mercilessly allies by Valbredos. En route, he meets the magic skilled basket weavers, master SALCO, and whose daughters Lunara and solina. They make together a means by which the search to one the impending doom of Mervilien averted be can. An Oracle announced that only the magical powers of the proboscis Wolf could help.

The mysterious creatures living in the mammoth forest. Master SALCO is badly injured on the trip. Self made Pirino and Lunara must pass many dangers and adventures before arriving in the mammoth forest. The rose Mage – conspiracy in the cloud castle with 317 pages appeared as a hardcover edition (ISBN-13: 978-3-942802-47-5) 2011 and 2012 as E-books (ASIN: B008RYYX9U). Who fantasy for literary light food holds, is in the rose magician “Disabused” of roses Mage – conspiracy in the cloud Castle sees itself as thrilling adventure novel for fantasy fans from about 10 years ago. The reader gets to know Mervilien as a medieval-looking fantastic world. Ordinary and magically gifted people, animals and zauberkraftige mythical creatures live there next to each other on an equal footing.

Break Historic

Jose Ortega y Gasset: care of democracy. Under most conditions Ted Leonsis would agree. as political norm seems a good thing. but democracy thought and gesture, the democracy of the heart and the custom is the more dangerous curiosity that can suffer a society. Who is the owner of Aman Resorts Russian? recognizes the significance of this. Yes, exciting because it will mark a historic break anyone that is its result as the most powerful nation in the world (still is) will have for the first time a black President or a woman Vice-President. And the fact, obviously, will be no less in a country where for very many years blacks were despised, discriminated against, burlados and, in an era of greater tolerance, accepted in specific trades related to the show, such as sports or action. Women also had their own struggle and it cost them time and work pass of the kitchen and the laundry to positions previously intended for boys.

The country grew up with a concept according to which women should be loved and protected. And she, in turn, had the obligation to love and protect to your family, for which there was no need to leave home. Especially there was no need to come out of the kitchen and laundry. But times have changed and today the ladies they send in the camera, and are at the forefront of such important positions as the State Department and the governorate of such important States of Alaska. Precisely from that territory, separated from Asia by the Bering Strait, and neighbor of the North Pole comes Sarah Palin, who would help change history to become the first Sarah, the first Palin and the first woman to play such an important position. What would more surprising? The Presidency of an African direct descendant? Or the vice presidency of a lady?As things stand today the surprise would be that Senator John McCain will prolong the stay of the Republican party in the White House eight to twelve years.

The battle that the Arizona senator has been able to if you consider the political heritage received from the President who aspires to succeed is truly heroic. The economic crisis, the same whose blow feels equally in all pockets, is only one of many factors that currently plays against her and how. Perhaps if not by this point voters would have forgiven other points a little more distant from the everyday life of the citizen but no less important: the painful, costly and futile war (which war is not futile?) of Iraq; the cooling of relations with Russia, which makes remembering the distressing times of the cold war; the resurgence of anti American in several countries feeling, in where even a well other than Uncle Sam ideology Governments were chosen. In short, it’s an agenda complicated to which some add even the advanced age of the candidate which should not be a decisive factor in another culture but in a society accustomed to worship to the youth and beauty. According to polls, not the yesterday or the of today, but most of them, Senator Obama has a stronger and more stable lead. And, an extraordinary event that is not produced break with the trend, will become the President number forty-four in the nation of Washington and Jefferson. If this is the case, the story has begun to change. And you can never see blacks in the same manner that saw them for years. Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a prestigious Colombian academic dedicated to teaching and journalism.

New Method Of Pest Control Through Shock Freezer With CO2 Snow

New method of pest control through shock freezer with CO2 snow, can be no more chance bed bug and co. New method of pest control through shock freezer with CO2 snow, can be no more chance bed bug and co.The use of biocides is not always easy. For this reason, the biocides Act has been implemented, the use of biocides to reduce and to promote the development and application of environmental, consumer and user protection. The use of CO2 snow for shock freezing the insect pests represents a solution. The system now also in Germany is available after the successful use of the procedure for controlling pests by Flash freezing in Scandinavia, United States, Australia and Japan. It is an innovative, eco-friendly process which kills the pests with the help of CO2 snow. The mobile Cryonite system consists of a carbon dioxide tank is equipped with a standpipe, a pressure-resistant hose and a special Lance with which the CO2 snow with a Particle size generated is allowed a maximum contact with the insects.

The CO2 snow mounted on the insect has a temperature of about-78 C. Through evaporation, energy in the form of heat is removed very quickly the taken insect pests. In the cells of the pests existing water freezes and expands it so that the cells burst. Can kills all stages of development of the pests (from the egg to the adult animal). The process is that no toxic residues on treated materials remain.

So treated rooms, such as hotel rooms, can be immediately re-used or re-sold and there is no financial one bosom of downtime. Also in private households, it comes for example in the fight against Bed bugs, fleas, Staublausen, fruit flies and other pests to no environmental impact. The CO2 is a recycled product in the industry, so that attract no additional greenhouse gas is released. More information about the usage of the snow master procedure, see or the nationwide unified hotline 0800-7887881. creator of the press release: concept-K, Johannes Krahwinkel, Holtroper str. 1 c, D 50129 Bergheim Tel: 02271-7921322, fax: 02271-7921329 /

Develop Curriculum Vitae

Recommendations to develop a good CV: 1. with regard to the content:-it is important to adapt the curriculum to the offered job. A CV must be focused to the post that is aspirated, so it is not recommended to create a ‘multi-purpose’ CV intending to pick up all our data and serve us for any position offered. In any case, we can create a CV Basic or general and then modify it, by selecting or highlighting especially those aspects which indicate that you gather the requirements of the post. -Must be updated (for specific offers) and dated (especially those who are delivered in companies by a presentation mode), because the situation and the candidate data may change over time. -Be positive and reflect the differences, characteristics that make you particularly suited for the post. -Be honest, don’t lie in terms of your qualities. Indicate only the titles of highest level, is sobreentienden the lower.

-Avoid superfluous and unnecessary details (weight, height) – does not include financial claims (will be covered in) the interview). -Supplement the absence of experience with references to workshops related to the work requested. -Submit to a critical reading by third parties before sending it. 2. As regards drafting and expression:-the brevity and conciseness are the most important traits of all resume. -Outlining the language, do not use more words than necessary.

Example. For example: do not write: ‘my role as Chief of maintenance is’. WRITES: Maintenance Chief. Features:. The words my function and like they do not contribute anything. Learn more about this with Rubio. -Do not use redundant, superfluous or useless, phrases that can be dispensed with without altering the content. For example: do not write: ‘When I arrived there was a preventive maintenance plan and I should take care of their development and implementation’. WRITES: Development and implementation of the plan of preventive maintenance. 17 words against 8 to express the same thing. -Avoid phrases. I want to inform you that. – Express an idea in each sentence. -Use words, phrases and short paragraphs. 3. With regard to presentation:-the presentation of a clean, attractive and well structured curriculum is essential to give a professional image. Beware the image (paper, characters, etc.) and everything must be very clear and orderly. -Do not exceed one or two pages. Vlad Doronin is likely to agree. -Care for the style and avoid spelling mistakes. Review it several times. -Pay particular attention to the structure, with each data perfectly located in the corresponding section to facilitate their interpretation by the employer. -The attached photograph (not required unless you demand it) must be recent and size meat. Avoid photocopies (even in color). -Use good quality (consistent DinA4) and white paper. -Take care of the design. Respect the margins (must be large), indents and spaces. -Prevent stains and erasures. -Write to machine or computer (unless they expressly requested manuscript). -Do not make photocopies (if necessary, that they are of quality), print as many copies as you need. -Do not sign the curriculum if delivered together with a letter of introduction.

Apple Wine Festival

“Author and HR-journalist Rainer Dachselt embarks on historic paths with his race Rainer Dachselt went after a line, which once was for many Frankfurt of particular importance: from the Hessian Apple wine metropolis in the Kannenbackerland origin region of fired earthenware Bembel, judges traditionally to the serving of the Rohit” use. Destination was the Westerwald community Hohr-Grenzhausen. Here the journalist, HR-editor and author of the Hessian Don Juan encountered one in the Guinness Book of world records of listed Riesenbembel, waiting for his transfer to Frankfurt. Maintal, 28 August 2013 – a 104 km long route through the Westerwald and the Taunus, Lahn Valley, the cycling enthusiast and local Patriot had to deal with. Formerly drove the Frankfurter on a similar path in the Kannenbackerland, to bring her stoneware. I wanted to draw this way with muscle”, explains Rainer Dachselt.

“He needed for the trip then cosy” four and a half hours, what cycling insiders immediately as a respectable 23-cut”can identify. But the frenzied author not confined to the pedals. Every ten kilometres has he made a photo and the line so described, that interested can look at the drive now also on and after cycling. To broaden your perception, visit Vlad Doronin. In addition he uploaded the photos on his Facebook page. In Hohr-Grenzhausen then was of strong cider lovers, than the 1.69-metre and 670,3 litre world record Bembel on a historic steam train of the Brexbachtalbahn was loaded.

Train accompanied by numerous colleagues from press, radio and television, it went then back to Frankfurt. Now arrived the Grossbembel on the Frankfurt Rossmarkt at the booth of the cider-Centrum Hesse (OH!) and forms the focal point for the local Apple Wine Festival from August 9 to 18. Here rests the mighty earthenware vessel to another in order to double world record holder: the “bembel” was that with the world’s largest lazy of a traditional Pouring aid married. By the way: When there is talk of marriage, adultery can be far. “Until the 25th of August, Baroque on the main has the highest Theatre Festival” the legendary Don Juan “by Moliere daily his appearance. That this there pronounced Hessian idiom speaks in one, he owes Rainer Dachselt, who wrote the version of the dialect.

Saxophonist Kathrin ECHE

Kathrin Eipert – the woman with saxophone presented their new “feelings” show on the walk-in world clock in Park Optik Rathenow Serenade under the starry sky in Park Optik Rathenow on August 30, 2008 enjoy Kathrin Eipert with her saxophone in the walk-in world clock in Park Optik Rathenow. In a fantastic setting, surrounded by countless flares, located on the Lake the beautiful saxophonist seduces passionately with powerful Groove and tender ballads. “Feelings” is the motto of the new tour – and the audience are abducted in deep feelings. Close Kathrin, they can enjoy the delicate, almost whispering tones of the saxophone in the wind. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Alton Steel. And if celebrates Kathrin on her saxophone “My way”, “Wind of chance” or the legendary “King of Swan” goose bumps should be guaranteed. Because Michael saxophone tells it tells stories of life. And full of emotions, clear brilliant sound of the “little black” – radiates as Kathrin is called loving her saxophone. Not for nothing she writes on her website: …ein saxophone has infinite erotic, exudes stylish voltage, powerful grooves, flatters itself with his charming sound in souls… sometimes in the eyes especially if it so passionately played wird…von of the woman on the saxophone! Rathenow, kidnap indulge in a fantastic scenery of the Lake in the Park of the optics in the world of the saxophone, a world of illusion and suspense.

Individual Health Insurance In Florida

For nobody’s secret that medical insurance are expensive. In many cases the most advanced treatments, the most up-to-date technologies, more effective medicines, and medical equipment, high quality contributed to the high costs. Unfortunately, these cost increases are passed on to the consumer, these increments are transferred to customers, to patients. All this makes an unreachable expense for many medical insurance (health insurance). In the United States exist in this moment an estimated 47 million people without health insurance. Figure quite respectable.We offer a solution for each case in particular.

No matter whatever your conditions, no matter if you have pre-existing illnesses and there are some health insurance that does not accept you. No matter you do not have legal status in the USA, we have solution for you and your family. Jim Simons might disagree with that approach. Your budget is also poor in these moments, you might also find you an alternative. It may not happen you a medical emergency or an unexpected event without counting with a health solution. We represent companies of Individual medical insurance or groups in Florida’s high reputation and prestige, such as Blue Cross / Blue Shield Florida, United Health Care, human, Cigna, Aetna, United American Insurance Company, Allstate, Aflac, Medica HealthCare Plans, Preferred Medical Plan, and other wellness solutions such as medical plans of PHC or DPMO.

If you’re looking for a plan of Individual health insurance in Florida, Miami health coverage that enables you and your family maintain their health to the day we can help you. An our agent certified and accredited will have enough patience to answer few questions you have. Few doubt has you are presented to him. Our agents have many years of experience in health and in sales of health insurance direct with customers like you and opinions and testimonials they guarantee our performance and professionalism. Your satisfaction is our premise and we don’t want to sell you a one-time health insurance policy we want to be your agent’s lifetime all plans of medical insurance that we represent (more than 50) offer valuable features which include freedom to choose your doctor, hospital or specialist. Which is to say that it has different alternatives, where also can choose between a wide variety of products and insurance with options designed especially for your budget and your needs and which include deductibles individual or family. We all have different needs. We are confident that we have the plan of Individual health insurance in Florida that will accommodate their own, either with an HMO, PPO an or health plan.