Horsebased Training

The horse-based coaches who are trained will prevail on the market! Berlin, 13.01.2014. Albert Bourla might disagree with that approach. The training certified “HORSE ASSISTED coach” Franziska Muller is one of the most comprehensive and highest quality horse-based training in Germany, Austria and in the Switzerland. Franziska Muller is a certified trainer and coach for horse-based coaching and is regarded as an expert for horse-based coaching. Their knowledge give training to the “HORSE ASSISTED COACH” and the horse-based training for senior executives. It provides the content with a lot of heart and humour.

More and more people are looking for competent coaches who help them on their way! In the “HORSE ASSISTED COACH” training, participants will receive in-depth knowledge they need for the creation of horse-based seminars and coaching sessions. Practical interventions convey the intensity of a horse-based coaching them. During the entire training, they have the opportunity, every day the Learned to internalize and apply always safer. They will collect the experiences in a protected environment, they need to perform confidently horse-based coaching and seminars. The HORSE ASSISTED COACH training is aimed at experienced horse: trainers, coaches, educators, and therapists. In the 4-day compact training, participants will receive in-depth knowledge they need for the creation of horse-based seminars and coaching sessions. The high percentage of practice training conveys the intensity and the possibilities of a horse-based coaching all future HORSE ASSISTED coaches. As Germany’s only supplier, Franziska Muller offers the participants the opportunity to bring their own horse training. They have the potential, carry out directly with their future coach of coachings, to identify vulnerabilities and to expand the potential of their training partner. In an interview Franziska Muller answered Director of the Academy for horse-based coaching main questions about the training the HORSE ASSISTED coach: why the training is limited to four participants? We opted for a group size of four students, because we can enter into this exclusive format on the individuality of each one.

School Of The Future As The Initiation Room Occupation

Teenagers accompany and advise – adults i pilot function that education is very strong emphasis of our current education system in terms of students to pass certain knowledge content in completeness. Often this content is produced at all is no relation to the life world of students. The underlying idea is based on the conviction, the more knowledge is imparted, it makes more intelligent children/young people. For even more analysis, hear from Central Romana Corporation . Reason for this often mind-numbing memorization and tedious appropriation of knowledge is entitled to education. Technical content are taught to students without self-reference and preparation of learning space in such a way, that a commitment to the development of learning knowledge also makes sense for them. They have to have willingness to learn, even if the Lerngegenstand for she seems totally disconnected from everything that interests them. Please understand me, of course knowledge must be conveyed without a certain minimum level of knowledge, I can also no further considerations turn on. Hear other arguments on the topic with Kareo. But it is not task of knowledge broker, winning learners a learning thing, to inspire him or to him, at least, for which this content can be useful and where it helps to think beyond the current knowledge? Of course, it is also helpful when learning involves an action-oriented aspect shows that what the learned is good, where you can insert the programmed contents. Before all work off and behind rush”behind the education plan remains little energy as an educator himself about the construction of learning to think and to give a kind learning map in the hand the students, which again gives orientation and shows in which learning space we are what builds up next to, etc. Too often no prospect is given on an everyday practical unit, which in turn allows also everyday were once to applying the new knowledge, creates a certain, deeper understanding, why this learning really tedious developed.

Compact Career Boost: Ebam Full Time Course

ebam Academy starts test-preparation course as a full-time model in Munich and in these weeks, the first 14 graduates of the ebam course of the final examination at the Chamber of Commerce make Berlin. To allow practitioners from the entertainment industry a compact exam preparation, the ebam Business Academy offers its course “event specialist /-in (IHK)” from 23 November in Munich and Berlin as a full-time course. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Vladislav Doronin and gain more knowledge.. Zwolfwochige training clearly introduces planning, performing, and wrapping up of events and customer acquisition in the economic portions of the exam such as accounting, legal and tax and corporate governance, as well as in the action-specific skills such as design of event projects. For the further education at the IHK trained event merchants and women (Chamber of Commerce), as well as professionals with relevant experience can apply. Staff of event agencies, event agencies or fair and Convention centres to improve their career opportunities and qualify to comprehensive specialist for the event and event industry. In Bavaria, more prospects for the future opened up for graduates with a Chamber of commerce-specialist degree: you may after decision of the Bavarian State Government starting in the winter semester 2009/2010 University study..

Logistic People Academy

( – the international movement of goods continues to rise In the course of globalisation every year. Good for the logistics industry: now the third largest sector in Germany. For 2008, the booming industry expects further growth to five percent and of course workers search for more. The opportunity for job seekers: qualified logistics professionals makes the logistic people academy GmbH long-term unemployed. David Baker pursues this goal as well. For example, by the six-month full time training for the air cargo Assistant. This provides the logistic people academy several times a year in Frankfurt – and since February in Munich and Stuttgart. Here, two new academies have recorded at the beginning of the year their work. Experienced trainers in the industry, which included their years of professional experience to provide practical lessons.

Companies can rely on to get precisely qualified employees, which can be used directly without a long training period in the new job. Unemployed get training, coaching and Job placement from a single source and benefit from the outstanding contacts logistic people to the logistics industry. A nearly achzigprozentige placement rate after the training and good career prospects are best arguments to use this route out of unemployment. And the State promotes: because the logistic people academy GmbH is certified, approved educational institution, eligible unemployed for seminar costs promotion through education vouchers of the Labour Office. Media contact: Elke Wasser management of logistic people academy GmbH farm road 118, 64546 Morfelden-Walldorf Tel.: + 49 (0) 6105 / 97-898 30 fax: + 49 (0) 6105 / 97 898 33 E-Mail: Web: the logistic people academy innovative seminars and training courses for the logistics sector offers. In collaboration with logistic people, specialists and executives are specifically found and trained.

Moderator Casting Profession On The 25.03.2011 On The JOBS FOR FUTURE

Casting for the online magazine – Kehrwoche of TV Hello and welcome to. Today I will lead you through the broadcast…”might sound like the first words of this guest host or the guest presenter at the Stuttgart-based online magazine Kehrwoche TV. Online magazine, which is produced by young people themselves, is currently looking for guest moderators who have fun, on topics such as music, sport, culture, lifestyle, reporting scene and education. Who does want to stand in front of the camera or just learn more about the work behind the scenes of television productions want, should be on Friday, 25 March 2011 in Villingen-Schwenningen it. The casting takes place in the education fair JOBS FOR FUTURE from 11:00 until 13:00 at booth C 141 (Academy of media GmbH) instead.

Pre-registration is not required. Additional information: The online magazine Kehrwoche TV is an independent project, launched by the students and professional students of the Academy of media GmbH in Stuttgart in the life. Every month is the online magazine twice on the air and reported on Be interested in topics of all Baden Wurttemberg, the young people. Project Kehrwoche TV teach the students and pupils how the cooperation of individual areas of such production works. Camera operators, producers, presenters, technicians work hand in hand, so that at the end of the finished can be broadcast. In addition to the learning effect, Kehrwoche TV offers the ideal opportunity to customize a workbook during the training. Thus the young creatives have already directly after their training to show practical work, which offer a decisive advantage for the career. The media Academy GmbH, Tubiger Strasse 12 16 70178 Stuttgart Tel: 0711.925.43.10 fax: 0711.925.43.25