Tax Simplification Act

The Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) has published its draft for the new of tax simplification Act on February 2, 2011. Bonn. More information is housed here: Vlad Doronin. So far, the use of “conventional” memory media, such as modifiable disk and hard drives for storing relevant data was not a violation of the law. Through the realisation of future allowable disk, such as CD-ROM, DVD, and microfilm, in the design of the BMF, widespread alternatives, such as storage area networks, ensuring the immutability and comprehensibility, would be no longer in compliance with the law after current Kenntisstand. The VOI competence center law (CCSR) and taxes has critically discussed the formulation of the BMF for the Unveranderbarkeitsanforderungen and submitted a proposal to the restatement of the law at the Ministry.

The opinion of the CCSR is available for download on. When designing for the tax simplification Act, the Federal Ministry of Finance relies on the existing laws and Regulations, such as the AO, GoBS and GDPdU, the UStG. According to which the storage of content and formatting data of electronic accounting on a disk must be, which does not permit subsequent changes. The question and answers catalogue (questions and answers on the simplification of the electronic invoicing as of July 1, 2011 “, stand: 18.04.2011) goes beyond the previous legal, retention requirements with the specification of technical requirements. Thus, special technical solutions for electronic invoices are required. The current implementation variants in relation to archiving and storage were therefore insufficient. Objective of the VOI competence center tax and law a definition of requirements for the storage of documents according to all legal bases of the commercial and tax law is very helpful for the operators and users. However, these requirements must be consistent and no special requirements may apply for the e-invoices”, says Thorsten Brand Manager the CCSR and consultant for the Zoller & Partner GmbH.

Microsoft Windows Terminal Server

Webinar: UC-& CTI functions with Citrix and Microsoft Windows Terminal Server Starnberg, may 06th, 2010 ESTOS, leading manufacturer of unified communications solutions in a Webinar the fundamental framework conditions and possibilities for the use of a unified communications solution with CTI-features in the Citrix and Microsoft Windows Terminal Server environment presents. The online workshop takes place on May 19, 2010 at 10:00. Resellers and end-users interested in learn more details at webinar.html. Citrixund Microsoft Windows Terminal Server solutions are widely used for providing of Officeund technical applications in the context of application service Providingund managed services infrastructure. With the introduction of unified communications platforms you would like to use their functions in particular CTI features, presence management and IM also in these environments.

It is recommended that the decision makers select a product, which to the deployed Citrix oder Microsoft Windows Terminal Server environment like for example the UC solution building blocks of ESTOS is largely compatible. In his Webinar, the software manufacturer now tells what special requirements and variations in the implementation are to be observed. Special emphasis also on the presentation and explanation of successful scenarios from the practice. Detailed agenda: Citrix and Windows Terminal Server definition use alternate UC paths of integration and CTI CTI with Citrix Presentation Server/XenApp implementation system requirements, Windows Terminal servers and remote app UC technical architecture integrating third-party applications requirements for the successful implementation of restrictions variants desktop sharing: fat clients, thin clients, thin clients, ultra TS WebAccess Moderator: Windows 2008 remote app, Citrix moderator the webinar will take place on May 19, 2010 at 10:00, takes about 60 minutes and is free of charge up to the usual telephone charges for the participants. Interested parties can register webinar.html at. About ESTOS since 1997 the ESTOS GmbH develops innovative standard software and is now a leading manufacturer of unified communications products. The CTIund be used to optimize the workflow in communication-intense areas of enterprise SIP-based solutions.

Today more than 200,000 customers, as well as numerous strategic technology and sales partners in Europe will benefit from the know-how of ESTOS. The independent producer is a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and has its headquarters in Starnberg near Munich. For more information see. Press contact ESTOS GmbH Hille Vogel of Inc. str. 3a 82319 Starnberg Tel.

Hue – Saturation Level – Dark

TSD – online calculation according to DIN 6164 possible with calculator of INNOVATION technology Bremen, December 12, 2008 – the colour measurement is generally based on the standard spectral value curves for the 2 standard observer, the 1931 by CIE have been set (sometimes 10, CIE 1964). Thus obtained the tristimulus values, which are denoted by X, Y, and Z by multiplication with the light spectrum and integration. The value of Y is the impression of brightness. Usually also chromaticity are specified, are independent of the brightness value; to the values X, Y, Z are divided by their sum and then described with x, y, and z. For the measurement of the non-self-luminous surfaces (as well as with transparent and translucent material) are suitable light sources to use because their spectrum has a significant influence on the result. Standard light types were defined for this purpose, such as D65, D50, and some more. In practice it comes very often to evaluate differences between two surfaces.

For this purpose, the tristimulus values are (s. o.) not well suited, because the limit of visibility each very different to set color and direction of deviation differences of tristimulus values or the chromaticity is equivalent to them. Many other color systems were developed for this reason with the aim to summarize the tristimulus values and to convert that universal values for specifying color differences are possible. The DIN stipulates that it takes the values from graphs. For an automatic evaluation offers no tools (level: 2/1980). Was remedied with the thousand Calculator”here: A click on the button on our homepage and the desired result is determined instantaneously.