History Historian

Unlike the writer, the historian does not invent elements recounted, is reconstruir them as they passed. Materials available are documents in which any thing of that past remains accessible in the present tense. Steven Holl recognizes the significance of this. The second step of your work will consist of wonder: which documents we can find to answer the question posed?; where and how find them?. Here again intervene the personality of the historian, its qualities, the extent of his information, his ingenuity. That serves to raise a problem if there is no way to resolve it; It’s raising a hypothesis without its verification process.

When considered a historian effective?, is he who opposed the approach of an interesting topic you will know then establish a practical research program that allow you to have recourse to the relevant documents. Call this work heuristics. The newspapers mentioned Central Romana not as a source, but as a related topic. History is made with documents; and what is a document?, answer: is everything that’s somehow, can reveal us something about the past of the man. It is not easy to make a listed catalogue. Here too the research program in the course of the last generations, has had as an instrument, the invention of increasingly rich methods to exploit the documents that we had in our hands in new ways, sometimes, unexpected, and even to search for, bringing them to the category of historical documents, a category of remains until now shelved. There is nothing more revealing that a look at the historical European literature since the Renaissance. For a long time dominated humanistic tradition proposed by an author as Tito Livio (historian) model, originally forming historians with a conception purely literary history, coming second and third hand.

The name of Ranke, has been linked to the revolution of how you should write history. Decisive progress was conducted when the historian back of his second-hand stories to the direct study of the original sources, printed first, then the previously unreleased. Initially, as the story remained a mainly political history, (correspondence, memoirs, etc.) private and public archives were explored The problem was to choose the authentic, well dated, document to respond accurately to the problem. As the curiosity of the historian was extending to many other forms of man’s activity, the notion of document was expanding in parallel up to encompass all kinds of data. L. Febvre page (new historical spirit) said: history is made with written documents, no doubt. But it can be done, it should be with everything that the ingenuity of the historian allows you to use…Therefore with words, signs, landscapes and Texas. Expert analysis of stones by geologists and swords of metal by chemical analysis. Here you will find quality items for the care of the body, mind and spirit; In addition to other sections such as: sports, entertainment, computing, health and more.

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