Stress in adolescence is a fact that increasingly occurs over and which is not given the necessary importance on numerous occasions. Young people, although do not support as high as the higher pressure loads, that bear burdens high for their ability, so it is possible that suffer from stress problems and to also not be given the necessary importance so that they can overcome it. There are many options and possibilities for a teenager can suffer from stress. Demands and academic failures, negative thoughts about themselves, the changes in your body, problems with colleagues from the Institute or bullying, death of a loved one, moving or renaming of schools etc can be some of the cases. One of the main problems we have when this occurs is that we don’t account that our son is suffering from that, so we have to be alert and not expect to have him tell it, it is possible he does not say, if on top it says, obviously put the signal of alarm. Once we already have the problem above the most important thing is to listen to and which tell us that is what overwhelms you, it is difficult that a child be expressed as well as we’d like so we have to take into account both what you say and what is silent and ask specific questions. It is important to make them see that stress is a major problem, and we all have to learn to solve moments of enormous stress during our lives. So the child cannot see because you go to a psychologist it is a bad thing, but a person that understands what you experience and has solutions..