Use Empathy To Increase Sales

Also called interpersonal intelligence in the theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner, the issued is the cognitive ability to perceive what another individual may feel. Within the concept of emotional intelligence, empathy is essential if we want to generate confidence in our customers. Empathy is the ability to understand other people’s emotional nature, even when their points of view is radically opposite to ours. A person who is empathetic has a certain ability to treat people according to their emotional reactions. When we as sellers, show empathy, the customers perceive it. This perception is carried out at the conscious level (what we say and how we act), both at a subconscious level (tone of voice, non-verbal language, etc).

When someone shows empathy, we have the tendency to open up more to that person. (Not to be confused with ranulph fiennes!). I am going to put an example. Imagine your favorite supplies company, can be telephony, of electricity, water, gas. It does not matter because all have a care service customer fairly can be improved. At the time of reporting a problem, if the person that I was attending has faced you, or has been on the defensive, this will cause a belligerent sentiment arising in you. We are sure that at some point also, ye could lose patience, (easy).

However, do you ever has happened give with a person that you have LISTENED very carefully and I said something like understand you? When this happens, our aggressiveness generally low. Our brain perceives no longer a threat. Just bumping us with empathy. A person understands us and we are back on the path of peace eye, having empathy isn’t giving the reason. Empathy has to do with putting in place of the other person and give the impression that he wants to help resolve your problem. Here are a few examples we can find during a business process, and how can enforce us of empathy.