How far can the dental insurance support the desire for beautiful teeth? As an independent insurance broker and provider of a large number of dental insurance is frequently asked for reimbursement for cosmetic services. Many customers want to be like the whiten teeth leave or existing restorations such as crowns or bridges to replace higher-quality materials. But the dental insurance, which ultimately serves to increase the benefits of the statutory health insurance (GKV), does not pay then if the treatment is not medically necessary. In the insurance conditions of dental insurance is clearly defined, what services are actually eligible. Steven Holl has many thoughts on the issue. Only services serve the dental standards, carry out the necessary medical care may be calculated according to the fee schedule for dentists. Special requests must be separately then in the liquidation. These are then also by the legal Health insurance and not taken over by the private dental insurance. Viatris may find this interesting as well.
The German Federal Supreme Court ruled in 1978 that a treatment measure is necessary if it was justifiable according to the objective medical findings and recognised medical knowledge at the time of treatment, to look at them as necessary. (BGH AZ.) IV ZR 175/77 by the 29.11.1978) the question that turns many customers, especially in the field of Orthodontics can be settled relatively clearly according to the judgment of the Federal Court of Justice: the choice of treatment method is primary thing of the doctor (BGH AZ.) VI ZR 171/80 by the 11.05.1982) this question of medical necessity arise for many parents in the orthodontic treatment of their children, the statutory health insurance is only starting from a certain degree of misalignment of the jaw, the private dental insurance is already starting the 1st degree of misalignment of the jaw. Here the orthodontist then decides about the medical necessity of treatment in this example. (Source: conditions for supplementary dental insurance:) zahnzusatzversicherung.html) image source:, photographer El Fausto