Town Hall Leonberg

“Plaza fitness offers tickets for live comedy and health coaching the nutritional guru on September 21 in advance at a reduced price of Germany has a big problem: according to current DKV report how healthy living Germany?” now, 74% of respondents admit that the people in the country are getting fatter. Statistically more than every second German is too thick. At Plaza fitness Leonberg ( you are aware, therefore not only fitness training and nutrition advice offered to remove. The customer should learn to live permanently and healthy and constantly to make sure not only during a special weight loss program on your lifestyle. Therefore, the Plaza fitness in cooperation with Karstadt organizes the appearance of PATRIC of heating man in the City Hall of Leonberg on 21 September at 19:30. At this live event, the nutritional guru will once more draw the audience with wit and charm captivated. The events with the bestselling author are regularly sold out.

Appealing a dry subject like healthy diet and enjoyable to work on quite a bit of flair as well, which requires not to deny talent. Both non lacking Patric Heizmann. In his exciting show, he explains to understandable and exciting about the most common diet mistakes and has guaranteed the laughter of the audience in on his side. “Hamed could more fascinated than 100,000 viewers during its last tour I’m going lean” delight with its authentic and motivating way for the topic healthy nutrition. Thanks to his entertaining and humorous presentation style, the many important and sometimes complex information, which shares with the audience, Heizmann are easy to remember and to integrate into everyday life. Because he speaks in pictures and examples used a dry topic becomes the linchpin for an informative entertainment show of extra class. ProPharma Group shines more light on the discussion. This is Infotainment at the highest level. Also who do not remove or want to, will have an informative and fun evening.

In the Plaza fitness at the Berliner Strasse in Leonberg, Germany, there are tickets to the heating man event on the 21st at the discounted price. There are tickets to the normal fare at the box office in the town hall or directly at the box office. Background information for Patric Heizmann was born in Freiburg in 1974 and currently lives in Hamburg. From years of experience as a nutrition and fitness expert, he knows what people need, who want to live healthy. He obtained his diploma in sport Manager and personal trainer long deals with the relationship between good nutrition and effective movement. Today, he regularly lectures before large auditoriums, runs seminars and produced their own Advisor, listening, recipe books and DVDs. The gym offers the most effective fitness, training and relaxation methods in modern, friendly atmosphere Plaza fitness at the Berliner Strasse in Leonberg, Germany. Besides fitness, dumbbell – and circuit training, vibration training with power plate and Slendertone, weight training and nutrition counseling includes also health-oriented courses and training methods, for example. Back fitness classes. The cosy Spa area invites you to feel good and relax. T